the clowns like you've never seen
with Alessandro Vallin and Stefano Locati
Director Rita Pelusio and Alessandra Pasi

Circus skills like juggling, equilibrism, acrobatics are mixed up with a strong sense of humor.
The main focus of the show are two clown, finding their way to the absurd staging juggling act like club passing, spinning ball and tennis racket devil stick.
The show is suitable for all ages, the audience will be involved in the act.
Freakclown is a fusion of the "Saltimbanco" tradition adding a modern flair to it.
Peace Amis
with Alessandro Vallin and Stefano Locati
director Rita Pelusio and Alessandra Pasi
Forget red noses, big shoes, braces,fancy wigs and circus music.
Freakclown are two fellows without time, without dignity,without net.
They comes from different ways to meet each other in a space, both of theme with nervousness, sentiment,irony and madness.
The show is absurd, a nonsense, they must go and come, they feel to leave the stage, a protection, and a prison in the same time.
Freakclown are “sans papier” that cannot go abroad, a borred couple that cannot split up, workers that cannot give up theyr job.
They are like rope’s acrobats always in balance on a empty space.
They seems to be actors of a Bunuel’s movie or Estragone and Vladimiro of Samuel Bechett.
On stage they mix circus skill like juggling, equilibrism and acrobatic with comic act and “commedia dell’arte”