Il Mostro delle Mutande
The monster of the underwear
with Stefano Locati and Max Vitali

This is the story of a closet, of its lodger and of its keeper.
Each closet hides underwears and socks, those old ones at the end of the drawer that nobody wears anymore, sicne they’re too short or too small. All these clothes gathers when we don’t look at them and they become a unique, huge monster: the monster of the underwear!! A monster made just of underwear and socks .
He’s funny, but too big. He’s so tall that he reaches the ceiling and when he moves on his four legs he stumbles, slams all over and falls down.
The mostre of the underwear is not only clumsy and distracted, he’ s also hungry of snuggle, cuddle and, most of all, underwears!!

Don’t worry, just like any other respectable circus animal also our beast has its tamer.
You recognize him because on his head he wears underwear instead of a hat.